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Ecommerce is an ideal way you can take your brand from a traditional brick and mortar store to an innovative, well loved brand. By offering great products 24 hours a day along with online customer service, blogs and social media, no longer is your business one singular store, with an online presence your business can be the home of your products and the general home of your business, allowing you to fully expand your product ranges without having to worry about moving locations or worrying about not being able to expand your business.
The first thing to do (after you decide what you want to sell, of course) is choose a fabulous, memorable business name that no one else is using. You can conduct a corporate name search to make sure it’s not already in use. Once you’ve chosen the name, register it. (If you form an LLC or corporation, this will happen automatically in the state where you file your paperwork.)
This tops the list of one of the popular eCommerce platforms because of its easy setup, faster loading speed and secure payment gateways in addition to customisable templates for all your landing pages. With respect to SEO,
Shopify also enables custom Meta tags, auto-generated XML sitemap with superior customer support to assist store owners with chat, email or phone.
One of the top choices for online stores, OpenCart is simple, perfectly designed and has an unlimited range of products and categories, product ratings and product review sections including multiple currencies and language feature and also advantage from logging error.
How much does an eCommerce website cost to build and host? You probably guessed there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. In fact, the costs could range from $5 thousand to more than $5 million, depending on the platform and requirements. Also consider you should continue to invest money to improve the function and experience of your online store when the initial development is completed (And don’t forget marketing spend, of course.). Waiting until everything is outdated and then tackling it all at once isn’t a successful or proactive eCommerce strategy.
So the range of costs could be anywhere from about $5,000.00 to millions of dollars, but let’s just use $350,000.00 as a theoretical first phase upper limit. Our firm generally recommends breaking work down into manageable chunks no matter what the scope is, and $350k is a manageable chunk even if the full project is much larger.
To narrow the costs down a bit based on your needs, read through the key areas that influence cost below and then check out the cost summary tables at the bottom of this article.
Many platforms, and especially SaaS offerings, have design galleries, themes, or templates you can apply to your site yourself. While these may not be a perfect fit for your business or dramatically set you apart from other businesses who may use the same designs, these templates are a quick and cheap option. Expect to spend from $0 to $250 to purchase a theme and another $1,000 to $2,000 making minor changes and customizations (more than just a logo change, but not a custom design either).
When you get into custom design, the sky is the limit on possible expenses. Similarly, a custom theme may cost $10,000 to $100,000 depending on the specifics, requirements, and depth of the process.
The customer’s payment methods preference is important for your company. If you simply subscribe a payment gateway without knowing the possibility people will use it, it will be useless. For instance, if you are targeting a location where people are comfortable to pay with Credit Cards only, then giving them other options could be redundant. It could even become worse if your online store has all other payment methods except credit card. You may end up losing your sales. So, please do some research to find out your customer preferences.
However, in other parts of the world, there are still a lot of cash payers that need to be catered. For example, in Southeast Asia alone, a high number of people still want to pay with cash.
One of the most well-known payment apps, PayPal has been processing payments online since 1999—and was built by such notable figures as Tesla co-founder Elon Musk and venture capitalist Peter Thiel. Even today, it's one of the easiest ways to accept payments.
Customers can connect their bank accounts or credit cards to PayPal to pay for products, or can store money in PayPal to use directly with PayPal acting as an online bank of sorts. It's the only way to accept payments inside eBay, and its payment button is one your customers will recognize at first glance.
As an account-based tool, though, all money you receive will be stored in your PayPal account. You can then use it to buy products from other PayPal vendors, use a PayPal debit card to access the funds, or can transfer the funds to a bank account. It's an extra step that makes PayPal feel a bit more like having an extra bank account.
PayPal Pricing: 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction for sales inside the US; 3.9% plus fixed fee for each currency for international transactions. Transfers to non-US bank accounts may incur transfer and exchange fees as well.